34 research outputs found

    Eucalyptus oil to mitigate heat stress in broilers.

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    ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to evaluate performance, hematological parameters, leukocyte counts, and respiratory microbiota of broilers under heat stress receiving eucalyptus oil supplementation. Cobb broilers (n = 1200) were randomly distributed on the first day of life in a factorial arrangement with additional treatment (2 × 2 + 1) with two periods of oil administration via drinking water (daily, from 18 to 35 days of life) and two periods of oil administration via spray (daily, from 18 to 35 days of age) plus a control treatment, consisting of twelve replications, with 20 animals each. The birds were kept in a controlled environment with constant temperature at 32 °C to induce heat stress by infrared heaters. Eucalyptus oil was supplied by drinking water (1 L of oil to 4000 L of water) or by spray applications with a pump (1 L of oil to 200 L of water). Bird weight was recorded at 42 days of age, along with remaining feed, to determine weight gain, feed intake, and feed conversion. In addition, one blood sample from each bird repetition was collected for hematological and leucocytic evaluation. To assess respiratory microbiota, a tracheal flushing was performed for bacteria counts. There was no difference in performance, hematological parameters, and leukocyte counts, except hematocrit, which was lower in birds that received eucalyptus oil after 18 days of age. No significant differences were observed in the respiratory microbiota comparing oil-treated and -untreated groups. Although it was not possible to verify statistical difference, the birds that received eucalyptus oil via spray plus spray from 18 days old showed lower bacterial counts and absence of isolation of Gram negatives, while the control group was the one with the highest number of Gram negatives. Therefore, eucalyptus oil can be used for heat-stressed broilers without impairing their development

    Sorption isotherms of ingredients and diets for poultry.

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    Abstract: This study aimed to determine sorption isotherms of ingredient and poultry diet. The samples were encapsulated in capsules and dehydrated by oven-drying in a desiccator for more than 24 hours. The samples were transferred to desiccator containing water in the base and placed in the oven, with one sample of each material being removed at incremental intervals. The sample was weighed and for determination of water activity and for dry matter. The moisture and water activity data were evaluated by eight mathematical models. The GAB mathematical model fitted the experimental data to constitute the isotherm for each material. Type II sorption isotherms were found, except for BHT: demonstrated values that did not fit the isotherm determination. The hygroscopic behavior of the ingredients in ascending order were: L- threonine, limestone, BHT, DL- methionine, L-valine, L- tryptophan, phosphate, kaolin, vitamin supplement, salt, mycotoxin deactivator, pelleted rooster diet, mash rooster diet, mash layer diet, pelleted layer diet, corn, bacitracin zinc, vitamin mineral supplement, phytase, rice bran, wheat bran, mineral supplement, soybean meal, coccidiostat, L- Lysine HCl and choline chloride. Ingredients and diets have different hygroscopic behavior: can lead to deterioration and low accuracy in nutritional values of diet, since formulation is based on as-is fed basis. Resumo: Objetivou-se determinar as isotermas de adsorção dos ingredientes e da dieta das aves. As amostras foram encapsuladas e desidratadas por secagem em forno em um dessecador durante mais de 24 horas. As amostras foram transferidas para o dessecador contendo água na base e colocadas na estufa, com uma amostra de cada material a ser retirada em intervalos crescentes. A amostra foi pesada para a determinação da atividade da água e da matéria seca. Os dados relativos à humidade e à atividade da água foram avaliados por oito modelos matemáticos. O modelo matemático GAB foi o que melhor ajustou os dados experimentais para constituir a isoterma de cada material. Foram encontradas isotermas de adsorção de tipo II, exceto para BHT: valores demonstrados que não se encaixavam na determinação de isotermas. O comportamento higroscópico dos ingredientes em ordem crescente foi: L-treonina, calcário, BHT, DL-metionina, L-valina, L-triptofano, fosfato, caulim, suplemento vitamínico, sal, desativador de micotoxinas, ração peletizada para galo, ração farelada para galo, ração farelada para postura, ração peletizada para postura, milho, bacitracina-zinco, suplemento vitamínico-mineral, fitase, farelo de arroz, farelo de trigo, suplemento mineral, farelo de soja, coccidiostático, L-lisina, HCl e cloreto de colina. Os ingredientes e dietas têm comportamentos higroscópicos diferentes: podem levar à deterioração e baixa precisão nos valores nutricionais da dieta, uma vez que a formulação é baseada na matéria natural. Resumen : Este estudio tenía como objetivo determinar las isotermas de absorción de los ingredientes y la dieta de las aves. Las muestras se encapsularon en cápsulas y se deshidrataron por secado en horno en un desecador durante más de 24 horas. Las muestras se transfirieron al desecador que contiene agua en la base y se colocaron en el horno, retirándose una muestra de cada material a inter valos incrementales. La muestra se pesó y para la determinación de la actividad del agua y la materia seca. Los datos de humedad y actividad del agua fueron evaluados por ocho modelos matemáticos. El modelo matemático del GAB ajustó los datos experimentale s para constituir la isoterma de cada material. Se encontraron isotermas de sorción de tipo II, excepto para el BHT: valores demostrados que no encajaban en la determinación de la isotermia. El comportamiento higroscópico de los ingredientes fue: L treonin a, piedra caliza, BHT, DL metionina, L valina, L triptófano, fosfato, caolín, suplemento vitamínico, sal, desactivador de micotoxinas, dieta del gallo en pellets, dieta de la capa de puré, dieta de capas peletizadas, maíz, bacitracina zinc, suplemento vita mínico mineral, fitasa, salvado de arroz, salvado de trigo, suplemento mineral, salvado de soja, coccidiostático, L lisina HCl y cloruro de colina. Los ingredientes y las dietas tienen diferentes comportamientos higroscópicos: pueden llevar a un deterioro y a una baja precisión en los valores nutricionales de la dieta, ya que la formulación se basa en su estado

    Apparent digestibility and energy value of whole egg powder for broilers.

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    Resumo: Com a necessidade de buscar alimentos alternativos que visam baratear os custos na ração de frangos de corte e reaproveitar os resíduos de incubatório que compreendem material residual do processo de incubação, objetivou-se avaliar a digestibilidade e valor energético do ovo em pó desidratado para frangos de corte. Foram utilizados 300 frangos machos da linhagem COBB, distribuídos em delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, composto por dois tratamentos constituídos por cinco repetições, com três animais em cada repetição. O experimento foi composto por um tratamento controle (ração referência) e um tratamento composto por ração referência + 15% de ovo desidratado em pó. Foi utilizado o método de coleta total de excretas para realizar as análises. Nas avaliações foram constatadas 7,010Kcal/kg de energia metabolizável e coeficiente de digestibilidade da proteína bruta e da matéria seca de 86,81% e 72,17%, respectivamente, parâmetros estes que podem ser inclusos em tabelas compiladas de composição de alimentos para a alimentação das aves. Conclui-se que o Ovo em pó integral desidratado pode ser utilizado adequadamente na alimentação de frangos de corte, pois possui alto valor energético e boa digestibilidade, assim seguindo os parâmetros nutricionais descritos. Abstract: In the need to seek alternative feedstuffs that aim to reduce costs in broiler rations and the reuse of hatchery waste, It was aimed in this work to evaluate the digestibility and energetic value of dehydrated egg powder for broiler chicks. Three hundred male COBB broilers were used, the experimental design was completely randomized, consisting of two treatments, consisting of five replicates with three broilers in each replicate. Being, treatment A control, reference. And treatment B control, reference with 15% dehydrated egg powder. To perform the analyzes, the total excreta collection method was used. In the evaluations it was found 7.010Kcal / kg of metabolizable energy and digestibility coefficient of crude protein and dry matter of 86.81% and 72.17%, respectively. This data can be included in feedstuffs compositional nutrition tables for broiler feed. It can be concluded that dehydrated whole egg powder can be properly used in broiler feed because it has high energy value and good digestibility, thus following the nutritional parameters described above. Resumen: Con la necesidad de buscar alimentos alternativos que tengan como objetivo reducir los costos de alimentación de pollos de engorde y reutilizar los residuos de incubación que comprenden material residual del proceso de incubación, el objetivo fue evaluar la digestibilidad y el valor energético del huevo en polvo deshidratado para pollos de engorde. Se utilizaron 300 pollos de engorde COBB machos, distribuidos en un diseño completamente al azar, compuesto por dos tratamientos consistentes en cinco repeticiones, con tres animales en cada repetición. El experimento consistió en un tratamiento de control (dieta de referencia) y un tratamiento que consistía en una dieta de referencia + 15% de huevo en polvo deshidratado. El método de recolección total de excretas se utilizó para realizar los análisis. En las evaluaciones, se encontró que 7.010 Kcal / kg de energía metabolizable y coeficiente de digestibilidad de proteína cruda y materia seca eran 86.81% y 72.17%, respectivamente, siendo posible sua inclusión em tablas de composición de alimentos para aves. Se concluye que el huevo entero en polvo seco puede usarse adecuadamente en la alimentación del pollo de engorde, ya que tiene un alto valor energético y buena digestibilidad, siguiendo así los parámetros nutricionales descritos

    Industrial egg residue as a calcium source in broiler feed: digestibility and growth performance.

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    Abstract: Industrial egg residue (IER) possesses substantial concentrations of calcium and crude protein. The objective of this study was to measure the digestibility and performance of broilers when IER was added to the feed. Four treatments were tested, which caused increasing replacement of calcitic limestone by IER (0, 35, 70 and 100%) during a 42-day production cycle. First, total bird excreta were collected from broilers with and without IER, and we determined dry matter digestibility, apparent metabolizable energy (AME), calcium, and nitrogen retention. The IER presented 7.5% of crude protein, 31% of calcium, 209 kcal/kg of AME and the digestibility coefficients for dry matter, crude protein, and calcium were calculated at 83.95%, 86.20%, and 67%, respectively. After the digestibility test, the effects of IER on performance, carcass and meat yield were evaluated. No significant differences between the treatments were found in terms of performance (weight gain, feed conversion, consumption, and mortality), and no differences were found in terms of carcass or meat yield. A linear decrease in the percentage of abdominal fat was observed with increasing inclusion of IER in feed. These findings suggest that IER can totally replace limestone (calcium carbonate) in broiler diets

    Evaluation of liquid xylanase and phytase added after broiler feed pelletization.

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    Abstract: The objective of this study was to evaluate whether the addition of the enzymes phytase and xylanase, isolated or associated, in the liquid form after feed pelletization could improve energy utilization and digestibility of calcium and phosphorus by broiler chickens. Three experiments were performed using 120 birds each, divided into five treatments with eight replicates per group (n = 3), identified as: experiment 1 (xylanase: control, 1000 IU, 1500 IU, 2000 IU, 2500 IU), experiment 2 (phytase: control, 500 FTU, 1000 FTU, 1500 FTU, 2000 FTU), experiment 3 (xylanase + phytase: control, 3000 IU + 500 FTU, 3000 IU + 1000 FTU, 3000 IU + 1500 FTU, 3000 IU + 2000 FTU). Samples for digestibility tests were collected at 14 to 21 days of age. Therefore, the inclusion of liquid phytase and liquid phytase + xylanase after pelletization in broiler diets has become a relevant way to reduce the inclusion of inorganic P, which can reduce the cost of feed and P excretion in the environment. Furthermore, it is an interesting strategy to avoid enzyme denaturation in the pelleting process